Smart People Analytics
While individual assessment results and coaching sessions are 100% private, aggregated data provides unparalleled access to track company-wide development and utilization within LeggUP’s People Analytics dashboard.

The outcomes of coaching are experienced on multiple levels. The long-standing accepted model for evaluating training and development programs, the Kirkpatrick model, identifies four levels of evaluation: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results.
Our People Analytics Dashboard allows clients to track growth and development in real time. The LeggUP dashboard measures all four levels of evaluation so you can put your feet up and relax!
Data that Impacts The Bottom Line
Track Utilization
Keep a pulse on program participation! The top of your leadership dahsboard shows real-time utilization data. You’ll also see the most popular development topics, giving you insight into areas of personal interest or potential cultural issues.
Measure 6 Productivity Dimensions
Learning and Behavior changes are displayed on the dashboard in two ways. First, the Team Profile shows a team’s average score on each dimension by comparing their first and second Career Pulse Assessment aggregated results.
Measure 6 Dimensions of Wellbeing
Additionally, each dimension can be viewed broken down by percentage of team members whose assessments identified this area as a strength, a well-developed attribute, a growth opportunity, an area where development is recommended, or a blind spot.
Track Member Feedback
We measure reactions through coach and session ratings. This is a measure of affect (whether they enjoyed coaching) and utility judgment (whether members feel the coaching was valuable).

HR Leaders Love Us
Our Results Give You a LeggUP
With our help, you can offer personalized people development to all your employees, wherever they are in their professional journey. It's in-the-moment support with measurable transformations.
Stop wondering if your professional development or wellness initiatives are working— track it!
Improvement in Physical Health
Improvement in Emotional Health
Improvement in Avoiding Burnout
Improvement in Engagement
Improvement in Building Relationships
Improvement in Job Satisfaction
*Real results after 3 to 4 months of Talent Insurance utilization!

Your LeggUP is Here
Ready to see all you can do with this birds eye view of your people? We're ready to show you!